As young adults, there is so much expected of us. There are days where you have to multi-task things that really shouldn't be done at the same time; Like filing your nails while driving. I'm a believer in enjoying everything you do and never doing anything simply because you think you "should." But this doesn't apply if you're a slacker. Being lazy is lame.

01 May 2010

Never would have guessed that one.

A list of things I never thought I would do:

  • Put gel and frizz my hair to look like a lion's mane, then run on stage acting like one.
  • Record my own singing voice.
  • Be invited to a bar with 3 middle-aged, married, men.
  • Wear prescription glasses. 
  • Would smash an ice cream cone into a friend's forehead. 


Jim said...

You make a really good Lion!

By the way, I love the new background!

Anonymous said...

Lion? We need to talk.

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