As young adults, there is so much expected of us. There are days where you have to multi-task things that really shouldn't be done at the same time; Like filing your nails while driving. I'm a believer in enjoying everything you do and never doing anything simply because you think you "should." But this doesn't apply if you're a slacker. Being lazy is lame.

06 August 2008

Donavan Frankenreiter and Bugs

We'll start with the bad news first. Bugs seem to be the curse of my life. I was in the park eating a lovely sandwich from Great Harvest. I decided to wait for awhile to finish eating, so I wrapped it up and set it on the ground. Enjoying the rest of the concert, I remembered my scrumptious sandwich. I picked it up, set the wrappings on my lap and picked up the sandwich. I noticed an ant on my hand as I lifted the sandwich to my mouth. I turned my hand over and realized it was COVERED in ants. I dropped the sandwich back into the wrapper and put it back on the group, shaking the ants from my fingers, hand and arm. I looked down, and noticed ants covering the bottom of my shirt. They found the sandwich so tasty, they wanted to invade my stomach and remove the rest. I leaped up, and pounded my shirt, knocking them to the ground (midst a laughing audience). Later, I was sitting innocently on a tree eating a Bob's Brainfreeze, and bee was trying to have a stare down with me. I took a wild swing, missed, but he flew away. Take that bugs.

Donavon Frankenreiter.
Truthfully, in the past I haven't been such a fan of acoustic guitar. Jack Johnson started to grow on me when my sister bought an album of his. When I was invited to attend a concert by DF, and heard a bit of his music, I was instantly a fan. He's a bit more of the "rock" than Jack. His voice is like a whisper with a scratchy flair that is soothing yet foot tapping inspiring at the same time.

Good times. (as I was typing this blog, I found an ant on my shirt)

1 comment:

Laverna said...

Oh dear. You didn't tell me about the bugs yesterday. I guess because I had to leave work and all that.
I didn't know that ants were so aggressive as to try and extract food from your stomach. :D

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