As young adults, there is so much expected of us. There are days where you have to multi-task things that really shouldn't be done at the same time; Like filing your nails while driving. I'm a believer in enjoying everything you do and never doing anything simply because you think you "should." But this doesn't apply if you're a slacker. Being lazy is lame.

24 May 2009

Children these days...Or is it the Parents?

I was at a clothing store, perusing the racks when I heard a small voice exclaim, "Mom, buy this!" There was no reply and again came "MOOOOM, buy this!!" in a whinier tone than before. After a few more pleas from the boy, about 6 or 7, the mom softly and distractedly replied "What's the price?" to which the boy said "What's a price?" A few moment silence then "Mom, but this!!!!" She said "It's probably not for sale..." The kid started pushing the small couch, just his size, across the room. His older brother was calling for him, and I assume this boy was laying claim to the couch and taking it with him. Before I left the store, I heard the boy ask the same a few more times.

This boy is old enough to understand money, and worth, and not to complain and beg. As the mom was ignoring his pleas, I assume she was working to change his behavior.

Honestly, it's the parents.

1 comment:

. . . said...

Did the boy get what he wanted? If he did, then it would be the parents problem. If he didn't then the mom won. Just because he was whining doesn't mean that the mom was a bad parent. Maybe she was having a bad day and the best she could do without becoming angry was to ignore him. I work with teenagers and they beg me for things and the best thing that I can do is ignore them. If I pander to them, they get the idea that they can keep pushing until I break. You don't know what was going on. Give the poor woman a break.

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