As young adults, there is so much expected of us. There are days where you have to multi-task things that really shouldn't be done at the same time; Like filing your nails while driving. I'm a believer in enjoying everything you do and never doing anything simply because you think you "should." But this doesn't apply if you're a slacker. Being lazy is lame.

25 September 2010

After Graduation in the spring Red should...

... move out of state and get a job - 1
... stay in state and get a job - 1
... go to Grad school in state - 0
... go to Grad school out of state or country - 1
... be a bum on the street - 3

I'm not really sure how I feel about the results. Thank you (question mark?)


Laverna said...

As if you should be trusting a poll to make your major life decisions for you! Seriously though, I think it would be an interesting experience to try. Although perhaps a bit dangerous. Ever read nickeled and dimed? Not quite the same, but close.

Jim said...

Why wouldn't it be a good idea to have a poll make your major life decisions for you?

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