As young adults, there is so much expected of us. There are days where you have to multi-task things that really shouldn't be done at the same time; Like filing your nails while driving. I'm a believer in enjoying everything you do and never doing anything simply because you think you "should." But this doesn't apply if you're a slacker. Being lazy is lame.

01 May 2008

Me Mama!

My sister, her husband and I snuck through the crowd, avoiding my mother who was handing out programs. We nearly ran into her, but spun around and walked in the opposite direction. We found seats near the front of the theatre. The program started, and she still didn't notice us. They started announcing awards, and... They called her name! She was awarded the Dean's Staff Award. Amazing, isn't she?She's been working there for YEARS and they finally recognize her for all the hard work she does.

1 comment:

Laverna said...

Yay for your mom! It's nice to get recognition for what you do well.

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