As young adults, there is so much expected of us. There are days where you have to multi-task things that really shouldn't be done at the same time; Like filing your nails while driving. I'm a believer in enjoying everything you do and never doing anything simply because you think you "should." But this doesn't apply if you're a slacker. Being lazy is lame.

10 November 2008

For the Comfort of Shoes.

My feet are picky. Shoes have to be just right, or the soles will flip-out after 20 minutes of walking around. To solve this problem, I have turned to various types of inserts. From hard arch supports that cover the inside of the shoe, to small gels that sit under your toes, I have found comfort. I own a pair of boots that I love, but the original design contains a hard bottom that is murder to ones feet if you intend to do more than sit while wearing them. In the past I have put cheap sole pads made out of foam and fabric that worked efficiently until they were torn up from the movement of my feet. I decided to invest in better, longer lasting padding. For about $15, I purchased gel ones. I stuck my feet in, and was happy with the feel. The more I walked around...the gel started to slide. Within 5 minutes of walking, the gel is lopsided, and no longer perfectly under my foot. Obviously, I am frustrated with them. 15 bucks isn't cheap, and what do I get?! Irritated, that's what.

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