The beginning of the first corner. Toothpicks and glue (water and powdered sugar). That's all it takes.
In the works. It's a delicate process.
Marshmallows are incredibly versatile.
The finished fortress. Notice the cannons on the roof, the tower in the right corner, and the buttresses on the front corners.
The knight guarding the princess from the evil dragon, while the sea turtle stands guard at the gate.
Castle building sure takes a lot of energy.
Looking out into the fiery, fierce, furious face of the dragon. The sea turtle bravely stands his ground.
The devastation of the ruined castle. It was burned from within, and to protect all those around it, the quickest and safest move was to smother the flames with it's own walls. The castle now rests in peace.
Parts not pictured: The flower box in the castle window, the armadillo, the marshmallow mustache.
Memorable quotes from the night: "You're 19, and I'm 21, and we're building a castle out of marshmallows?!" - Jim
"And why are you building a marshmallow castle?" - on lookers. In response "Why not? We had the extra marshmallows." - Erin
"My armadillo is playing dead." - Eliza
Well, thats uhm...a great marshmellow castle. too bad it doesnt fit in a microwave!
you have too much fun. I wish my friends did stuff like that...but of course, most of them are "above" all that or would give me the eye.
You can't pin the marshmallow eye pic on me. It's not me! The eyes are different.
Nice work. Maybe you should go into the castle building business.
Thanks for sharing!!
Love, Dad
That's awesome!
We were given a treat from the leaders the last night of trek -- supplies for s'mores! I generally don't care much for marshmallows, but these tasted fabulous. Probably because it was on trek. You're so hungry everything tastes fabulous.
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